Computed tomographic angiogram of a patient with tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary atresia demonstrating four MAPCAs
Computed tomographic angiogram of a patient with tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary atresia demonstrating four MAPCAs
(A) CTA demonstrating four MAPCAs. The largest is MAPCA 2, with three immediate branches, labeled 2a, 2b (which includes 3) to the right, and 2c to the left. (B) The schematic drawing of the CTA displays the four MAPCAs, counting from top to bottom off the descending aorta. To the right lung, MAPCAs 1, 2a, 2b including 3, and the RPA are all interconnected and, from them, all segments of the right lung are connected. To the left lung, MAPCAs 2c, 4, and LPA are all interconnected and, from them, all segments of the left lung are connected.